Accounting Service
Accounting service
Book Keeping
With a vast range of digital software storing your accounting records online, either on a local server or in the cloud has made it easier.
Digital bookkeeping allows you to use available software to connect data and streamline payment processes more than ever before.
Account Service
Accounting outsourceing
Accounting plays a crucial role in running every business successfully. Being a commercial hub, Dubai hosts a large number of businesses and they all need to maintain the book of accounts and track financial transactions. Accounting outsourcing in Dubai is the best practice adopted to keep the books of accounts accurate and error-free.
Accounting service
For companies in Dubai, auditing and assurance services are provided so that stakeholders have a better understanding of the companies’ financial position, based on which they make their decisions. It confirms that the financial statements of the company show a true and fair view, including:
– Assessing whether the internal controls are functioning as intended,
– Detecting any material errors or fraud, and,
– Providing advice regarding better management.
Auditing one’s books of accounts are necessary to satisfy various banking and regulatory requirements. Furthermore, to fit into UAE’s economic system, it is required to obtain an independent Auditor that can provide reliable auditing services to the company.
Accounting service
Updating Backlog Account
TXTK helps the customer to set up the backlog account from the date of consolidation of the organization. However, appropriate supporting documents are important for us to set up the books of account. Subsequently, it is significant for us to get the first supporting documents of the transactions. We finish the books of account on intermittent premises, regularly on a yearly premise.